Surf Forecast Surf Report
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Relatórios de surf e previsão de surf pelo Twitter

  1. must need a webcam, the link is:
  2. West Coast Surf:
    ‘Porth Neigwl: I suspect trees will be down and debris on the roads so looking for shelter may be more difficult than usual. We are advised to stay indoors this morning locally.’
  3. The wind alternated between NW and SW as the westerly negotiated Peppin Island. A good crowd at the Point and cleanish shoulder high waves there. The swell pulsed stronger as everyone left and the tide got too high. Warm and sunny. Warm water for the time of year too.
  4. West Coast Surf:
    ‘Porth Neigwl: I suspect trees will be down and debris on the roads so looking for shelter may be more difficult than usual. We are advised to stay indoors this morning locally.’
  5. Picado como carne de buey
  6. West Coast Surf:
    ‘Porth Neigwl: I suspect trees will be down and debris on the roads so looking for shelter may be more difficult than usual. We are advised to stay indoors this morning locally.’
  7. West Coast Surf:
    ‘Porth Neigwl: I suspect trees will be down and debris on the roads so looking for shelter may be more difficult than usual. We are advised to stay indoors this morning locally.’
  8. West Coast Surf:
    ‘Porth Neigwl: I suspect trees will be down and debris on the roads so looking for shelter may be more difficult than usual. We are advised to stay indoors this morning locally.’
  9. Defiantly not above a 2 or 3 at the moment. Westerly wind affected.
  10. loknga
  11. buenas olas en laredo a la mañana